
Write a paper about lord chamberlains men theatre unlike


The course research project is a more formal research project on a specific theatre topic studied or prominent in the field. The project could be on one of the theatrical topics listed below...or elect to pick a topic of your own (with approval by the instructor).

• Early Theatre: The Greek City Dionysia Festival
• Japanese Kabuki Theatre
• Christopher Marlowe: The Other Elizabethan Playwright
• Lord Chamberlain's Men
• London's Historic Drury Lane Theatre
• Tennessee Williams and Society's Outcasts
• American Musicals by Stephen Sondheim
• Theatre in Prisons
• The Tony Awards
• Stage Musicals on Film

Areas that could be covered by this presentation include (but are not limited by) the following:

• a general history of the period, event, playwright, etc.
• staging and production conventions, if applicable
• plays and/or other related productions produced
• audience responses to or involvement in theatre

Unlike other assignments in this course, the project is not necessarily a normal written essay (though an enhanced written research project would be acceptable). Think originality and creativity...that is, graphics, charts, images/videos, Powerpoint/Prezi programs, audio or visual presentations, etc. are all accepted and encouraged. If created in Word, 5-7 pages is recommended; if created in Powerpoint/Prezi, 12-14 panels is suggested. Worth 30 points, your project can be turned in at any time during the semester, but is due no later than Wed Dec 10. Early submissions are encouraged and will always be accepted.

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