
Write a paper about culminating experience

Assignment Task: Write a paper about Culminating Experience.

Culminating Experience Paper Outline:

Literature Review:

I. Introduction-need for research with aging population and increasing number of cases of cognitive decline

a. Cognitive decline, definition of problem

i. How mood disorders are related

b. Possible cause: air pollution

II. Background-studies that have been done and biological mechanisms

a. Air pollution and cognitive decline

i. Studies on PM2.5 and cognition

ii. Studies on NO2 and cognition

iii. Studies relating mood disorders to AP

iv. Biological pathways

III. Importance of research/need for more research

a. Limitations of research

b. Relatively new field, many cross-sectional studies, few longitudinal studies

IV. Problem statement/research questions

a. Are air pollution and cognitive function related in older adults over the age of 65?

b. Are mood disorders a mediator along the pathway between air pollution and cognitive decline?


I. Study population

a. How participants recruited, target population, references to other papers that describe NSHAP study in detail

II. Physical and emotional health measures

a. What measurements/variables available, and how were measurements taken

b. Detail on mood variables (depression, stress, anxiety)

c. Detail on cognitive tests available in data set

III. Air pollution measures

a. EPA AQS and modeling

b. Participants' measurements

c. Exposure windows (1-7 years)

IV. Statistical models

a. Linear regression, results given in IQR

b. Mediation model and explanation of diagram

c. Effect modification-are results different for different subgroups (men vs. women, oldest participants vs. younger, smokers vs. non-smokers, etc.)

d. Sensitivity analyses

i. Logistic models with high vs. low cognitive score as outcome

e. Program used-SAS 9.4 (include citation)


I. Study population demographics/Table 1

a. Highlight any interesting variables in text, i.e. what is different in this population from the usual population/census?

II. Analysis results for association between air pollution and cognitive score/Table 2 (highlight most interesting results from table)

a. Bivariate analyses

b. Base models adjusted for gender, age, race, education

c. Models further adjusted for season, smoking status, region, median household income

III. Mediation analyses/Table 3

a. Highlight both variables that were and were not found to be mediators

b. IV. Effect modification/Table 4

a. Highlight effect modifiers and non-modifiers

V. Sensitivity analyses/Supplemental tables

a. Compare logistic models with binary high/low outcome to linear models


I. Restate most important results; discuss importance/novelty of study

II. Compare results to other studies-What was and was not the same as compared to the findings in other studies?

III. Explain mediation results and possible biological explanation (citations needed)

IV. Highlight other interesting findings, like effect modification results, compare to other studies

V. Limitations

VI. Strengths

VII. Take home message

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Tags: Culminating Experience Assignment Help, Culminating Experience Homework Help, Culminating Experience Coursework, Culminating Experience Solved Assignments, Air Pollution Measures Assignment Help, Air Pollution Measures Homework Help, Physical and Emotional Health Measures Assignment Help, Physical and Emotional Health Measures Homework Help

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Reference No:- TGS03033455

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