
Write a page fault handler process that can be invoked by

Operating Systems

Programming Assignment- Virtual Memory Manager with Paged Segments

In this assignment, you will design a virtual memory manager with paged segments, and then simulate its operation for five different page replacement algorithms: FIFO (first-in-first-out), LRU (least recently used), LFU (least frequently used), OPT-lookhead-X (optimum with lookahead of X future addresses), and WS (Working Set). There will be 5 sets of output from these 5 runs.

The information provided here is intended to guide you in your design; it is not a complete description of all issues that must be considered. The assignment requires a combination of Unix/Linux processes (such as the page fault handler, disk driver, and page replacement process) synchronized by Unix/Linux semaphores, and simulators (such as the paging disk).

Data Structures:

You may add additional fields to these data structures if needed in your design. There is one segment table per address space (process); one page table per segment; and one table entry per page. The address can thus be divided into 3 parts: segment number, page number within the segment, and displacement (offset).

A single frames table contains the address space and page number of the page currently occu- pying each page frame. The format of the entry for frame f is:

FRAMES[f]: a p forward_link backward_link

Entries in the frames table are linked together in allocated and free lists. The disk page table entry, DPT[a,p], contains the address on the paging disk of page p of address space a.

Key Elements of the Assignment:

1. Write a page fault handler process that can be invoked by the interrupt dispatcher when a page fault occurs. The address space and page number of the missing page are made available to the fault handler by the addressing hardware. The fault handler requests a page transfer by placing an entry in the disk driver work queue and signaling the associated semaphore.

2. Design a disk driver process which schedules all I/O to the paging disk. The disk command

STARTDISK(read/write, memory_addr, disk_addr)

initiates an I/O operation. The paging disk is wired to the semaphore of the disk driver process, which it signals when a command is complete. The disk has a work queue containing entries of the form

(process_id, read/write, frame_index, disk_addr).

3. Assume that the page replacement algorithm runs as a separate process which is signaled each time a page frame is removed from the pool. the replacement process attempts to maintain a free pool size between min and max frames. To accomplish this, one or more processes may need to be "deactivated" and "activated" later.

Note: In this assignment, you need not consider the actual creation and deletion of address spaces. Be sure to initialize the semaphores you use with correct initial counts.

Input and Output:

The input to your simulator is as follows:

tp /* total_number_of_page_frames (in main memory) */ sl /* maximum segment length (in number of pages) */ ps /* page size (in number of bytes) */

r /* number_of_page_frames_per_process for FIFO, LRU, LFU and OPT, or delta (window size) for the Working Set algorithm */

x /* lookahead window size for OPT, 0 for others (which do not use this value) */ min


k /* total number of processes */

pid1 size1 /* process_id followed by total number of page frames on disk */ pid2 size2

: :
: :

pidk sizek

These parameters are followed by a list of process id and address pairs: pid addr. You need to extract the segment number and page number from the address addr. The last address accessed by process i is followed by: i -1.

The output from your simulator includes the following data. You may also show other useful statistics.

number_of_page_faults for each process;

for Working Set, show the min and max size of the set and total_number_of_page_faults.

Attachment:- Assignemnt_Input.txt

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Operating System: Write a page fault handler process that can be invoked by
Reference No:- TGS01711754

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