Question 1- A geothermal turbine accepts 80 kg/s of steam at 5 bar (abs). The steam exhausting to the condenser has an enthalpy of 1997 kJ/kg. Condenser cooling water enters at 15 Co . If the turbine has a 80% isentropic efficiency while the generator has 95% efficiency, how much power can be generated?
Question 2 - a) Write down the names of the 10 geothermal fields producing the highest greenhouse gas (CO2 and H2S) emissions.
b) Compare their rate of CO2 production (e.g. in grams per kilowatt-hour) with those of various types of thermal power plants.
c) Write a maximum one-page summary discussing the greenhouse gas mitigation strategies currently used in commercial geothermal power plants.
Question 3- A geothermal reservoir is estimated to have a volume of 15.0km3. The average porosity across the reservoir is 7%. It is estimated that the reservoir is two phase with a temperature of 225°C with a liquid saturation of 0.2. Calculate the stored heat in the reservoir relative to a final condition of saturated liquid of 175°C. Use rock density of 2250 kg/m3 and rock specific heat capacity of 1.0 kJ/kgK.
Question 4- Write a one to two page summary discussing the utilization of oil fields for commercial geothermal energy production. What are the potential risks? What other sources or technologies might increase the feasibility of this utilization?