Write a one-paragraph summary of the data you collected

Data EXPLORING STATISTICS CLASS ACTIVITY Collecting a Table of Different Kinds of Data

Goals : In This Activity ,You will learn about different types of data and discuss how to summarize data derived from members of the class.

Materials : A board and a marker (or a computer spreadsheet).

As a class, you will suggest possible variables that would help you describe your class to others. You will then collect data and summarize and describe these variables. How would you describe the people in your class as a group?

How does your class compare to another class, maybe the class next door? Suggest variables you might collect on individuals that would help you describe your class and make comparisons.

(Examples of such variables might include gender, number of credits currently taken, distance the individual lives from campus, and the like.) Be prepared to give your own values for these variables.

Some variables (such as family income, for example) might be too private; inquiring about others might be offensive to some students.

You should not feel compelled to provide information that might embarrass you; try to avoid suggesting variables that you think might embarrass others. Table A shows an example of the format for the input.

  • Gender
  • Age
  • Favorite Class
  • Units


If someone asked you to describe the students who make up your class, which characteristics would you focus on?


1. Which variables that were used are numerical? Which are categorical?

2. Write a one-paragraph summary of the data you collected that you think would help someone understand the composition of your class.

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Strategic Management: Write a one-paragraph summary of the data you collected
Reference No:- TGS02581848

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