
Write a one paragraph summary of each article include a

Community and Public Health impact almost every aspect of your life. In this discussion, you will locate and summarize local interest stories or articles from the newspaper (or other local publications) that demonstrate how community or public health impact our daily lives.


Browse your local newspaper or other local publications for articles that focus on public health issues at the local, state, and/or national level. For example, reports or articles that discuss a train collision, an earthquake in California, the dedication of a new park in your neighborhood, an outbreak of the flu in Texas, low-cost child immunization clinics, or a free traveling mammogram program for low-income women are all examples of public or community health issues.

Locate two examples of community or public health issues from a local publication, magazine, or newspaper. The examples you select should focus on completely different topics - for example, select one article that discusses a new park and another article that focuses on plans for a new coal-fired power plant.

Write a one paragraph summary of each article. Include a proper reference to the source of the article.

Include an additional paragraph that explains why you consider these articles to be public or community health.

Your original post should consist of complete sentences and include three paragraphs.

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Dissertation: Write a one paragraph summary of each article include a
Reference No:- TGS02433905

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