
Write a one-page financial analysis that provides a

Question: Financial Statement Project

Create an income statement, a balance sheet, and a cash flow statement for years X1 through X5. You may use any accounting principals that seem appropriate, providing that they are GAAP. Your goal is to maximize the firm's common stock price at the end of year 5, by making savvy accounting and financial decisions. You should think of yourself as the CFO (chief financial officer) of this firm.

REQUIRED: Part One (85% of grade):

In this assignment, assume that you are creating actual statements for years X1-X5. You will be graded on how well you do the accounting, the reasonableness of your assumptions and the appearance and "presentation" of your financial statements.

Part Two (15%):

As of the end of year five, do a five-year financial analysis of your company. At a minimum level you should calculate 8 or so basic financial ratios. Write a one-page financial analysis that provides a prospective investor with a good overview of the most recent financial results of the company. You will be graded on how well your analysis fits the information from your company.

Hint: You will probably have to do financial analyses of other companies in courses like Finance and Strategy. This part of the project is an opportunity to create a financial forecasting/analysis framework that you can transport to other classes. Strange as it might seem, this framework might even be useful in "real life".

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Accounting Basics: Write a one-page financial analysis that provides a
Reference No:- TGS02754955

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