
Write a one-page essay on how culture influences peoples


Text Book: Crawford, J. (2011). Fire prevention organization and management. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.

Unit Assignments

Unit I Project

You have been tasked by the fire marshal to address a recent increase in residential fires. Your assignment is to develop a checklist for conducting voluntary home safety inspections. Consider what you should be looking for when conducting these inspections: improper storage of flammable or combustible liquids, presence of smoke detectors, or egress issues. Your inspection form should have enough detail that if given to an engine company, the crew would be able to perform the home inspection with ease.

Unit II Project

Develop a one- to two-page fire inspection form for commercial occupancies. Keep in mind thatthese types of structures will most likely have some sort of fire protection system such as a fire alarm or sprinkler system.

Unit II Research Paper

You have been assigned by the fire chief to write a research paper that will be used to persuade the city council to adopt a local fire sprinkler ordinance that will require all new commercial buildings to install a fire sprinkler system. Your paper should be one to two pages in length and include resources to support your position on the need for buildings to be equipped with automatic fire sprinkler systems. Your paper should follow APA style.

Unit III Research Paper

Research and write a one- to two-page paper about two historic fires that resulted in changes to the fire code. Fires that generally resulted in large life loss have driven the need for changes in the code. Make sure to include the cause of the fire and any contributors that resulted in any fire deaths. Your paper should follow APA style.

Unit IV Case Study

To prepare for this assignment, you will need to review the case study on pages 120-121 of your textbook. Analyze the information from the case study, and be sure to address the following information in your response to the case study: 1. What kind of local research would be helpful in targeting efforts where they will do some good? 2. What kind of challenges does it present to give the fire commissioner data that would indicate the fire problem is much higher in another neighborhood of May? 3. What type of search could be done to identify materials already available for the target audience? 4. What is the value of research for fire prevention efforts and in this case in particular?

Your case study should be at least two pages in length and in APA style. A minimum of two references are required.

Unit IV Essay

Insurance Service Office rating is very important to the fire service in terms of showing effectiveness of a fire department. Write a one-page paper explaining the ISO grading scale and what is measured as part of the grading process. Your essay should follow APA style.

Unit V Case Study

To prepare for this assignment, you will need to review the case study on pages 165-166 of your textbook. Analyze the information from the case study, and be sure to address the following information in your response to the case study: 1. How could an understanding of the historical influence on fire prevention efforts be used to aid the fire marshal's defense of code compliance inspections? 2. Given the case study, explain how significant fires might be used to support efforts in any local jurisdiction. 3. Explain how previous national planning efforts have helped shape modern fire prevention efforts. Your case study should be at least two pages in length and in APA style. A minimum of two references are required.

Unit VI PowerPoint Presentation

Develop a PowerPoint presentation explaining some of the agencies that are involved in fire prevention. You should consider both private and governmental organizations. Your presentation should be a minimum of 10 slides. Your PowerPoint should follow APA style.

Unit VI Essay

Write a one-page essay on how culture influences peoples' attitudes toward fire and fire prevention. For instance, in some cultures having a fire in your home is looked at as a shameful event. In other cultures, it is accepted as just an unpreventable event. Give specific examples of the different cultures and their attitudes toward having a fire in their home or business. Your essay should follow APA style.

Unit VII Essay

Your fire department is facing large budget cuts. It has been suggested that the fire prevention budget be eliminated and line firefighters assigned to perform fire inspections while on duty. Write a one-to-two-page essay that either supports this concept or offers an alternative solution. Your essay should follow APA style.

Unit VIII PowerPoint Presentation

Use the material you have learned from this course to put together a PowerPoint presentation explaining fire prevention and what is involved in fire prevention activities. For the purpose of this presentation, assume you will be presenting to a recruit class of firefighters who will be assigned fire prevention duties as their main job when not responding to fires or other emergencies. Your presentation should be a minimum of 10 slides. Your PowerPoint should follow APA style.

Unit VIII Case Study 1

To prepare for this assignment, you will need to review the case study on page 238 of your textbook. Analyze the information from the case study, and be sure to address the following information in your response to the case study:

1. Given the information presented, what measures portray risk reduction and loss reduction in the Porth case study?

2. What inferences can be made from the comparison between Porth and the other comparable jurisdictions in the Service Effort and Accomplishment (SEA) report? What dangers are there to these comparisons?

3. What conclusions can be drawn from the comparison of Porth's fire loss statistics to state and national trends over the same period of time? Your case study should be at least two pages in length and in APA style. A minimum of two references are required.

Unit VIII Case Study 2

To prepare for this assignment, you will need to review the case study on page 255 of your textbook. Analyze the information from the case study, and be sure to address the following information in your response to the case study:

1. Describe the advantages to using paid and volunteer staff for life safety and fire prevention programs and the problems that might occur between newly hired staff in Christmas Valley and the neighboring jurisdiction, where code compliance inspections were previously done by emergency responders.

2. What qualifications might be necessary for these staff members and how would you go about finding out about state or national training requirements or certifications?

3. How would you go about developing a training program for life safety and fire prevention staff? Whose support would be necessary, and how would it be funded? Your case study should be at least two pages in length and in APA style. A minimum of two references are required.

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