
Write a new class file with a main method in the same

"Arrays, Files, and Sorting"

Part 1 - Make a number Generator main class

1. Randomize a number as the count, store the count in a file named numbers.txt

2. Using the first randomized number, create a loop generating new randomized numbers, storing each new number on a new line in the text file each iteration. example of what numbers.txt might look like:


example of another run of your program's numbers.txt:

5 - this is the count

12 - this is the first number

9 - second number

5 - third

22 - fourth

5 - and fifth number

Part 2 - make a new file, a Sorting main class

1. Load the numbers.txt file from Part 1 of this project and read the data into an array. p. 545

2. Sort the numbers loaded in from number.txt from low to high using any sorting algorithm you like (for example, insertion sort). p. 251

3. Create a file named numout.txt and store the sorted numbers in the file, each number on its own line. p.544

Part 3 - Strings

Make a list of 10 names, each on it's own line in a text editor and store them in a text file named names.txt. On the first line, however, type the number of name entries.

Part 4 - make a new file, a Names main class

Write a new class file with a main() method in the same project, use it to load in the names.txt, sort the names, and store them to a file called, nameout.txt. Each name on its own line. example:

if your names.txt file is:

Bible, James
Skywalker, Luke
Hogan, Robert
Austin, Steve
Nelson, Anthony
Hawking, Stephen
Lucas, George
your nameout.txt should be:
Austin, Steve
Bible, James
Hawking, Stephen
Hogan, Robert
Lucas, George
Nelson, Anthony
Skywalker, Luke

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Programming Languages: Write a new class file with a main method in the same
Reference No:- TGS01065466

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