Advanced E-Security
Write a Minor Research paper about the following topics-
- Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension (MIME)
- Key Management
- Digital Right Management
- IP Security
- Spams
- Worms
- Phishing
- Key Escrow
- Clipper Chip
- Intrusion Detection
- Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)
- Kerberos
- Email Security
- Cyber Security
- Lifecycle Protection of Digital Contents
- Undeniable Signatures
- Proxy Signatures
- Blind Signatures
- Fail-Stop Signatures
- Group Signatures
- Electronic Business
- Electronic Business (Educating home and small Business users)
- Electronic Cash
- Electronic Voting
- Electronic Auction
- Oblivious Transfer
- Oblivious Polynomial Evaluation
- Private Information Retrieval
- Multi-Party Computations
- Hash Functions
- Keyed Hashing
- Secret Sharing Schemes
- Proactive Secret Sharing Schemes
- Verifiable Secret Sharing Schemes
- Stream Ciphers
- ID-Based Cryptography
- Homomorphic Encryption.