
Write a minimum of a 1000-word literary analysis over one


Your assignment is to write a minimum of a 1,000-word literary analysis over one of the pieces of literature we've covered relating to changing perceptions of reality or descent into insanity or you may write a sociological paper relating to environmental conditions/social problems that impact outcomes in the story.

Your first step to complete this assignment is to select the story or play and character you're going to analyze in your paper. Reread the story or play text, searching for lines/passages that reveal your character's descent into insanity or instances of environmental conditions or social problems. Your analysis may focus on manifest symptoms or you may focus on the events that precipitated the symptoms. Annotate your text. You cannot write the paper without doing this. You will need to document every symptom or event you discuss in your paper with a line or passage directly quoted from the primary source. This is basic to writing a successful literary analysis.

Next, you need to go to the college database and locate articles published in scholarly journals that relate to your piece and subject. For this assignment, use no more than one source in text from Bloom's and at least two from Gale's Research. The research librarians are available to help you, either in person or online. There is an "Ask A Librarian" option on the library webpage. What will help you is using the right words when you're doing your search. The pieces I've assigned are classic, so many resources are available, and the topic is also major. If you can't locate sources, then you need help in using the databases. You will need a minimum of three scholarly articles to cite in the paper. Make copies of the articles, so that you can annotate them as you read. Be sure to keep the complete electronic citation so that you will be able to cite these articles in the final paper. Do a scratch outline. Develop the paper one section at a time, so that you don't overwhelm yourself. Remember that a writing center is available on every campus and offers free tutorial assistance. We also have SOS Centers available for tutorial assistance. Many resources, including myself, are available to assist you with this assignment.

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Other Subject: Write a minimum of a 1000-word literary analysis over one
Reference No:- TGS02717521

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