
Write a method that receives an array as a parameter

12. Write a method that receives an array as a parameter and sets all of the values to 7.2. Assume that the array is an array of doubles. The method should return the size of the array. 

13. Write a method that receives an array as a parameter and prints all the values in reverse order. 

14. Write a method that opens a file named "test.txt" that contains all integers. The method should store all of the values into a new array which is returned. 

16. Write a method that takes two arrays as parameters. The method should swap all of the values in both arrays. Assume that the arrays will be the same size. 

11. Consider the following mystery method:
int[] numbers = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
void mystery(int[] data, int x, int y) {
data[data[x]] = data[y];
data[y] = x;

Assuming each of the methods below is executed in the sequence shown, what is the value of the numbers array after each of the following statements:

mystery(numbers, 3, 1) = __________________________

mystery(numbers, 4, 1) = __________________________

mystery(numbers, 0, 0) = __________________________ 

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Programming Languages: Write a method that receives an array as a parameter
Reference No:- TGS092990

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