Programming Assignment
Write a menu-driven program with the following options:
1. List all winning teams from the AL (list team name only once if they won more than 1 time)
2. List all winning teams from the NL (list team name only once if they won more than 1 time)
3. For a specific team, how many times did they win
4. For a specific team, how many times were they in the World Series (win or lose)
5. For a specific year, who won and who lost
6. Quit
Program Requirements:
1. Must use at least one list and/or one dictionary. Multiple lists and/or dictionaries can be used. Whatever you use, it must be used to process the requests 1-5
2. Each choice 1-5 must be in a function
3. The menu must be in a function
Use a search engine (such as Google) to find out the names of all the teams in Major League Baseball. From this list (you will need to create a file of these names and read this into your program into a list), find all the teams that have been in a World Series but never won and all the teams that have never even been in a World Series. Make this Menu Option 6 and move Quit to Option 7.