
Write a memo to a specific employee at your company

Assignment Task: Your business memo should address the following scenario/prompt. You business memo will be addressed to all employees at your company. It will announce a new policy of "paid time off" based on hours worked.

Prompt: Most of the employees in your company are salaried, so they do not receive overtime pay when they work beyond their scheduled hours. However, the board decided this week to institute a new policy of compensatory time off. Under this new policy, if an employee works 2 or more hours beyond the scheduled 40-hour workweek, she or he can take off the same number of hours, with pay, in the future.

The employee's supervisor must approve the time off; an employee may not take the time if they are needed for an important project. This policy will be effective the first week of February 2020. It is not retroactive.

Write a memo to a specific employee at your company that informs them of the new policy.

Format: Business memos must be formatted in a specific manner. This information is contained in the chapter on business letters you read for this module. If you don't remember this information, consult the textbook.

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Other Management: Write a memo to a specific employee at your company
Reference No:- TGS03254798

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