Given a speech signal sampled at 8,000 Hz, as shown in Example 2.14,
a. Write a MATLAB program to quantize x(t) using a 6-bit bipolar quantizer to obtain the quantized signal xq, assuming that the signal range is from 5 to 5 volts;
b. Plot the original speech waveform, quantized speech, and quantization error;
c. Calculate the SNR due to quantization using the MATLAB program.
Example 2.14
Given the speech signal sampled at 8,000 Hz in the file we.dat,
a. Write a MATLAB program to quantize x(t) using 4-bit quantizers to obtain the quantized signal xq, assuming the signal range is from -5 to 5 volts;
b. Plot the original speech, quantized speech, and quantization error, respectively;
c. Calculate the SNR due to quantization using the MATLAB program.