Write a MATLAB program that will allow the user to find area and circumference of a circle. Selections and data entry will be done by presenting the user with a menu (using menu function) and provide her/him with the following choices:
? Enter the radius
? Display the area
? Display the circumference
? Exit
Other Requirements:
? Selecting choice 2 or 3 before entering the radius will result in an error message. The program will terminate only when Exit has been selected ?
Calculations will be done by functions.
Function circleInfo() will ask for the radius and will return it.
Function circleArea() will accept a parameter, the radius, and returns the area.
Function circleCircum() will accept a parameter, the radius, and returns the circumference.
? Results are displayed with 2 decimal place accuracy.
Partial Help with the menu:
flag =0;
while (1)
choice=menu('Circle and Cylinder', 'Enter the radius','Display the area', 'Display the circumference','Exit');
case 1
case 2 if (flag==0)
disp('you need to enter the radius first');
else area=circleArea(r);