
Write a longer and more detailed version of your section

• This is what you need to do for CURRENT SOLUTIONS TO OBESITY IN THE UK. Write around 650-750 words in which you summarise two different approaches to solutions in obesity.

In other words, you are going to write a longer and more detailed version of your section Government Responses to the Obesity Problem. Use this structure:

Explain the purpose of the section

Describe solution 1 - with sources

Describe solution 2 - with sources

Compare and contrast solutions 1 and 2

Conclude by summarizing the advantages and disadvantages of solutions 1 and 2 - suggest which solution seems better than the other

• This is what you need to do for OPPORTUNITIES FOR PRIVATE GYMS. Write around 650-750 words in which you propose at least two different ways in which private gyms could use the obesity crisis in the UK to increase business. Use this structure:

Explain the purpose of the section

Describe proposal 1 - explain: (i) who the market is (e.g. children or adults; men or women etc.); (ii) what the strategy is. You need sources for the description of both the market and the strategies.

Describe proposal 2 - explain: (i) who the market is (e.g. children or adults; men or women etc.); (ii) what the strategy is. You need sources for the description of both the market and the strategies.

Compare and contrast the advantages and disadvantages of each proposal.

Conclude by summarizing briefly which proposal is best

• This is what you need to do for the CONCLUSION. Write about 200-300 words in which you:

(i) Remind the reader of the purpose of your research - what was the aim of the research?;

(ii) Summarise what you have done in the two new sections (CURRENT SOLUTIONS TO OBESITY IN THE UK and OPPORTUNITIES FOR PRIVATE GYMS);

(iii) Offers some possible recommendations (e.g. Private gyms should / should not ...);

(iv) Note the limitations of your research - especially when these affect your recommendations;

(v) Suggest what further research should be done in the future.

• This is what you need to do for the REFERENCES. Remove any references that are no longer relevant. Add all new references. Check that every source in your reference is also mentioned in the text. Most important make sure that all the sources are the actual ones that you used.

You may discuss any questions you have about these notes with me by email or in person if you would like to book a tutorial. However, please note that you are no longer allowed to show me a draft revision of the text.

Please note that you are not required to contact me if you prefer not to - however, your interviews MUST take into account ethical considerations so if you have any confusion about this, you need to ask me.

After you have completed all your revisions, you should submit the complete, revised version of the Project again by emailing a Word document to Miss Emma Lock.

Do NOT use Moodle. Do NOT use PDF (or any file format that is not Word)

You should have approximately 4 weeks to complete - Miss Emma Lockwill email you to confirm the details of the deadline for resubmission of your revised Project.

You should start work immediately.

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Marketing Research: Write a longer and more detailed version of your section
Reference No:- TGS02328275

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