
Write a literary review of one of the short stories in our

Essay Assignment

For many African Americans, literature is a deeply integral part of understanding their racial, social and political experiences in the United States.

Literature is also a central part of the African American intellectual tradition. Often, racial prejudice prohibited black citizens from actively including their voices in the public forum, and literary texts were a way of engaging the public with the realities of black life in the nation.

Consequently, truly understanding the African American experience means examining black literature. Yet, this must be done within the historical context of the writer because of the many changes African American people have experienced from the last half of the twentieth century to now.

This is where you come in. For your final assignment, you are going to write a literary review of one of the short stories in our literature unit that analyzes the narrative based on its historical context.

You will also work to analyze the story by applying Toni Morrison's literary theory of the Africanist presence into your essay.

As you read the short stories assigned for the next week, work to make references in your mind about the ways that they help provide a more vivid picture of the history and psychology we have been studying since the beginning of the semester.

This way, when you begin writing the paper, you have thoughtful insights and not shallow observances to make about the significance of the text you choose.

For example, many of the texts will highlight some type of racial signifier - or marker of racial identification, like skin color, hair texture, etc.

It is not enough to merely note that the author has illustrated some signal of the race or identity of his/her characters. Instead, you want to make inferences about what this means and how it relates to the larger social context in which the writer is producing
his/her story. Use the steps below to guide you in the process of writing your essay.

a) One paragraph of historical context

• Here is where you talk about what was happening in the United States when the story was being written and when it was published. Remember to include only the things that will be important for your full analysis of the story in the coming paragraphs.

b) One or two paragraphs briefly summarizing the story and detailing its major themes. Budget this carefully and do not waste page space you will need later for analysis.

• This paragraph (or paragraphs) must be completely dedicated to giving your reader a quick tour of the story, while also conveying a sense of the underlying themes in the story. This way you can help your reader think more deeply about the story. In this section, it may be helpful to consider this question: What is the point of telling this kind of story? Dig deep here. Don't just tell me what the surface purpose is; explain the larger significance of the 

c) Three or four paragraphs of content analysis. Here you want to assess the merits of the story and think specifically about how Morrison's theory is visible in its narrative arc, imagery, character development, and themes.

• This should be the bulk of your paper. It's important that you discuss the ways in which this story helps its readers to better understand the connection between the African American experience and the larger experiences of all Americans during the time it was written.

It is also important, however, to think about how the author is defining or constructing black identity within the story. Focus on discussing the ways in which the writer of your story is making a larger statement about race, class, gender, or ethnicity through the major elements
of the story.

• For example, one of Richard Wright's most celebrated stories is called Native Son. In it, he shows his readers how good people make very bad choices. Rather than simply stating that outright, he shows us through his main character Bigger Thomas. In your essay, work to make these types of connections by closely examining the central characters, setting or imagery.

d) In your final paragraph, do not just re-summarize all of what you state in your essay. Instead, say something bigger. Tell why this story matters, what does it say about the American experience for African Americans in the twentieth or twenty-first century? How can we use narratives like the one you have chosen to better understand the human experience?

Your paper must be typed in twelve point, Times New Roman, font. It should be doubled space, with one-inch margins all around. Your essay should also be 1000 words long (approximately 3-4 pages long).

Additionally, please make sure that your assignment is submitted with the honor pledge at the top or bottom of the page.

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