
Write a letter to someone related to the local issue you

For this assignment, write a letter to someone related to the local issue you highlighted on the week 8 forum. You don't need to provide your return address for the assignment, but you'll need to include it if you decide to send your letter. Provide the name and mailing address of one person you could contact regarding the local issue at the top of your submission. Then write a four paragraph letter using this format:

Paragraph 1: introduce yourself and explain the problem;

Paragraph 2: explain the relevant history of the problem (cite your sources);

Paragraph 3: explain concepts and theories related to the problem (cite your sources); and,

Paragraph 4: propose possible solutions and explain what you want this person to do.

Your letter should have a professional tone and look. Add legitimacy to your claims by providing citations using the Turabian style (required). Use 12 pitch, Times New Roman font and 1 inch margins. Include your last name in your file name and upload your work in a .doc or .docx file by Sunday of week 8. A template is attached for your convenience.

It is up to you whether or not you send the letter, but you are encouraged to do so. Civic engagement is crucial in democratic societies.


Today one main issue that is global but we need to act locally is Racism. This word a one point in time seemed to be not important or was not talk about as much as it is today. Not only in the United States is this issue important but in all places, because racism is truly alive and thriving.

In the United States today one has to tread lightly when driving or even just existing if one is of color. In new lately we hear and witness police shootings of unarmed black men and women because the officers feel threatened by the color of the "person of interest". Saying that I cannot with a clear conscience say all police officers are the problem having multiple friends and family members that are on the force. I can however say that with recent events it has everyone on edge including police officers and the local people just driving their vehicles or walking down the street.

One could argue that this problem dates all the way back to slavery, which is a valid argument. Here's a question if something awful happened to a person and they have not fully dealt with the situation one cannot fully move one. This is the issue we are having in the United States, we have not fully healed from those events. In this week's readings we heard John Kerry talk about slavery and how it was written in the constitution and how we are working to write it out of the constitution.

This is evidence enough that healing of this issue will take a long time but it is long overdue. Being in the constitution it gives individuals the "okay" to treat people of color as if we are still in slavery days. Now of course one would argue slavery was abolished so there should be no issue but that isn't the case. Our country was founded on Christian principles and issues today should as gay marriage is hard for the country to grasp. Why is this issue hard to grasp? It is because we were raised to stand by the principle that marriage is between man and woman because the constitution states such and also because the bible states this also. Also in the bible it states love thy neighbor and this mean without prejudous of skin color but the country still hasn't grasp this concept. We have not fully grasp the concept because in this case the constitution trumps the bible.

We also read this week how small weapons are becoming a problem. This issue to me is the same. Because in the constitution it states one has the right to bare arms but now we have to worry about individuals endangering others just because today is Wednesday. Now one could argue that the two are linked. Is it a fair argument to make that many carry a weapon because they are afraid of modern day slavery, afraid that just because they are black they could be treatedhostely and their life could end?

This issue is global because locally it is gaining attention and bleeding globally. We need to do something about this issue and fast.

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English: Write a letter to someone related to the local issue you
Reference No:- TGS02179431

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