
Write a letter to a philanthropic or grant organization

1-question - Create a brief research design abouta topic in which you are interested.Write a letter to a philanthropic or grant organization requesting funding for your study. Describe the project in a convincing yetrealistic and way. Explain how theresults of your study will be arelevant.

2-question - How has technology changed yourprimary groups and secondarygroups? Do you have more (andseparate) primary groups due toonline connectivity? Do you believethat someone, like Levy, can have atrue primary group made up of peopleshe has never met? Why or why not?

3-question - Ride an elevator backwards. Find a building with an elevator that goes at least 3 floors and is regularly used. Make sure there is at least one other passenger and ride the elevator backwards. Instead of entering the elevator and turning around to face the door, remain facing the rear wall.

After you have ridden the elevator backwards, record how it felt and how others on the elevator reacted (you may recruit the assistants of a friend to make observations). Also record any conclusion you can make about the social pressure to conform, and what it means to be a deviant. Be sure to report the location of the elevator, the date and time of day, and the number of others present when you rode the elevator backwards.

4-question - What class traits define your peer group? For example, whatspeech patterns or clothingtrends do you and your friendsshare? What cultural elements,such as taste in music orhobbies, define your peer group? Most importantly, how do you see this set of class traits as different from other classes above or below yours?

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Dissertation: Write a letter to a philanthropic or grant organization
Reference No:- TGS02858117

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