
Write a journal review - editorial managertm for journal of

Write a journal review.

Writing a journal review - When reviewing manuscripts for the Journal of Business and Psychology:

1. Be open minded to new research ideas, interdisciplinary approaches, and unconventional methodologies. Journals like JBP are particularly well suited for publishing work that is both within and outside standard conventions, assuming it still falls within the journal's vision. We all know from personal experience that perfect research is not possible. We can and should have high, but realistic, methodological and conceptual standards. The explicit testing of theory is not a litmus test for the value of a manuscript submitted to JBP. The role (or lack thereof) of theory is dependent upon the nature of the question under study; research submitted to JBP may be phenomenon/practice driven. We do expect all submissions to be well-grounded (broadly defined) and have a strong conceptual rationale. Overall, we are looking to publish articles that meaningfully advance scientific knowledge and/or science-based practice.

2. Let us know if you have reviewed an assigned manuscript for another journal or if you are aware of the author's identity and believe it will impact your ability to provide a fair review.

3. Please provide some specific positive comments in your review opening and summary, as well as (where warranted) throughout your review.

4. Strive to help the author to figure out how to rectify substantive problems (if possible), beyond merely identifying and explaining them. Being critical is important, but also be constructive and instructive. It is easy to recommend collecting more and better data. What is more constructive is to provide suggestions on how to use the current data or readily available additional data to improve the manuscript.

5. Try to be specific in your comments. Help authors to understand your major issues versus your minor concerns. Be sure the author understands what is essential versus what is suggested. When reviewing a revised manuscript, be sure to look at authors' responses to your comments in the greater context of responses to all comments received.

6. Treat the author how you would like to be treated, with respect. This includes striving to be patient and constructive with non-native English speakers.

7. Complete your review within 4-6 weeks, as you know how much you appreciate expeditious reviews of your own work. One to two pages of total content is just fine. Please help us work towards rendering a final decision after at most two revisions. We do not want to overburden our reviewers or the authors with too many revisions.

8. Be sure your comments to the author line up with your overall evaluation of the manuscript. For example, don't come across like you love the paper if you are recommending a rejection. Also, do not mention your overall publication recommendation in your comments to the author.

9. Please comment on all the major sections of the paper and carefully proofread to be sure that your comments are clear, as this can save immense unnecessary anguish for our authors and editors.

10. Ensure that you have numbered all your comments to the author and consistently treated the author with the respect you appreciate in reviews of your own work.

Article - Editorial Manager(tm) for Journal of Business and Psychology Manuscript Draft

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