
Write a job description for your dream

Write a job description for your “dream position.” Include the following:

¦ Position title.

¦ Position description including tasks, special requirements.

¦ Location.

¦ Work hours.

¦ Working conditions (for example, office space, scheduling, amount of supervision).

¦ Company culture.

¦ Pay.

¦ Experience and education requirements.

¦ Personal competencies (for example, ability to communicate, work in teams, problem solve, etc.).

¦ Amount of travel.

¦ Social, political, and ethical issues that may be involved.

¦ Opportunities for on-the-job learning and personal growth. In small groups, share your descriptions. Did you get some ideas from the dream jobs of other students?

Write a job description for your "dream position." Be sure to include the information in the bullet points (ignore the small group part). Feel free to explore postings on indeed.com, monster.com, or another job posting website to get a sense for typical format and content, but the sky's the limit for your dream position.

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Operation Management: Write a job description for your dream
Reference No:- TGS02423979

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