Write a job description for office of the secretary

Job Description:

Please help me write a job description for the following prompt below "Office of the Secretary".

My job is called office secretary. My immediate supervisor is the Manager of the Information Systems Department of CQ Manufacturing. CQM manufactures electrical appliances (refrigerators, washers, dryers, ranges, and a host of electronic household equipment). The information systems department is responsible for producing distributing data and informational report foal all departments within CQM.  To accomplish its mission, this department has professional staff systems analysis, programmers, networking specialists, computer operators, PC specialist, and a clerical staff to support these professionals. There are 42 employees in the department.  This includes seven clerks who perform various activities from normal recordkeeping and processing services to computer library maintenance to assisting PC operations throughout CQM.

My major responsibility is to provide administrative support to the Manager of Information Systems. This support requires that I provide some personal assistance to the Manager of IS and also assist three supervisors who report directly to the manager with administrative/ secretarial services.  I also spend considerable time with the seven clerks in the department. In this regard, I assist in the hiring process, schedule and monitor work assignments, train clerical staff on new or changing assignments, monitor payroll records, and occasionally perform clerical assignments as required.  I also work with secretaries and clerks throughout CQM in making better use of their PCs and improving their data entry skills and opportunities.  

I will now provide a rather complete narrative of the activities I perform in acting as the administrative assistant/ secretary, secretary to the department staff, PC specialist, and supervisor of the clerical staff.  

As administrative assistant/ secretary, I take the manager's telephone calls and whenever possible, screen out the unnecessary ones.  I frequently place calls for the manager.  I greet guests who come to the department; I obtain information needed by the manager by making telephone calls to the appropriate individuals.  I also use the telephone to resolve problems or clarify issues.  I am responsible for the one WATS telephone line that is to be used for business purposes. I am aware of the work the manager performs so that in their absence I can relay information when it is appropriate or necessary to those persons asking specific questions.  I occasionally handle personal correspondence for the manager and I maintain files on all correspondence from the manager's office.  I compose correspondence and reports for the manager.  I review incoming mail and attach notes or supporting comments to clarify issues as necessary.  I review a variety of documents for proper grammar, neatness, and accuracy.  I also identify any necessary priorities for action required relative to incoming mail or other correspondence.  I provide this kind of secretarial support to the three supervisors who report to the manager. I make some decisions without supervision regarding department procedures in the absence of the department head or other supervisors.  I also supervise seven clerical positions and have a working knowledge of their duties and assume as many clerical duties as necessary when a clerk is out of the office or when the workload is heavy.  These duties include answering telephones.  I also assist clerks in difficult situations.  I answer questions from clerks and advise them how to handle problems.  I answer questions regarding department policies and procedures and schedule and assign work to clerks in the office.  I route incoming reports and mail to proper clerks for disposition.

I monitor and review the performance of the clerks and make recommendations to the manager regarding their performance and possible changes to be made in the activities, even with office procedures.  I work with the clerks and manager in updating office manuals.

In addition to working with the clerical staff, I perform a number of clerical assignments.  These assignments include filing documents, retrieving documents from files, and preparing new files.  I transmit documents using FAX and electronic mailing systems.  I duplicate documents as necessary and assemble duplicated material.  I maintain a clipping for the manager and the department.

I maintain the manager's appointment calendar, type memoranda and correspondence from the manager's or other department supervisors' handwritten rough drafts, correcting grammar, spelling, and punctuation and frequently rearrange sentence structure to create the best impression to the reader.  I compose correspondence as needed or at the request of the manager or the three supervisors without direct dictation or a draft from which to work, and frequently compose memoranda to the various units, organizations, or customers who request information.

The manager makes frequent trips regarding information services provided by the department and to investigate new equipment and technology CQM could be interested in purchasing to improve the quality and quantity of cervices.  I make all necessary travel arrangements for the manager including an itinerary for each trip and work with the company's travel agent in making airline, hotel and rental car reservations.  I also occasionally schedule entertainment reservations.  I keep and process all travel cost for the manager and complete travel vouchers.

A couple times a year, the manager holds conferences or meetings with different individuals throughout CQM regarding information services.  I assist in developing the agenda for these conferences/meetings.  I am also responsible for reserving facilities and ensuring that all necessary equipment and supplies are in place on time for each meeting.  I prepare various reports and guides for these meetings.  I contact individuals who are to attend these meetings to ensure that they will be present and to assist in resolving any problems they may have or to clarify reasons for the meetings.

I am responsible for maintaining accurate records of the time cards of all department employees, preparing new time cards for the upcoming week and maintaining the old cards for future reference, tabulating time (weekly) worked by each employee from his or her time card to assure a full 40-hour week is worked and that any time over 40 hours is approved by that employee's immediate supervisor for overtime pay, maintaining a daily attendance log which indicates any absences of employees and whether those absences are taken from sick or annual leave or if pay is to be docked.  I tabulate a bi-weekly overtime payroll (for temporary employees, updating and correcting any errors on a monthly computer printout of each employee's leave accrual. The correcting and updating are based on records maintain from leave cards which are filled out upon an employee's absence, showing his or her name, social security number, number of hours of the absence, date of the absence, and whether or not it should be taken from sick or annual leave.  These cards are sent to the HR Data Center where the information is logged into the computer for the next Employee Leave printout.  I fill out a PR-1 (Personnel Request form) and a PA-1 (Personnel Action form) which indicates various actions taken for or against an employee or position, such as an appointment to a position, name and/or address change, rate change (6 month's pay increase, promotion, demotion, annual pay increase), leave without pay for unexcused absence or for insufficient sick or annual leave, termination, and a request for a new employee to fill a vacant position.  I file a Position Retention Justification form with the main human resources office for approval to retain and fill a vacant position n in the department.

I assist the manager in completing the department's annual budget.  This is done in computer printed book which provides the various accounts the department is allowed.  It is necessary to determine how much each employee will cost the department in salary and benefits, how much is needed to maintain the various phases of the department operations, any cost increases that might occur, and any requests for additional funds to improve the information department's services or just to maintain the status quo in the coming year.  After all the annual figures are determined, they must be broken down into quarterly allotments and more money must be place in the quarter that will require more funds.  This entire budget is submitted to the manager for any additions or deletions and approval and its then sent to the Budget Department at main headquarters for final approval.  The budget book is prepared under the supervision of a budget analyst at main headquarters who provides brief instructions, is available to answer questions, and who also makes three to four personal calls a year to review our budgeting procedures and review our records.  The nature of this project and the bulk of the other duties of this position require that much of the budget-related work be done on my own time, possibly at home after working hours.

I maintain an ample supply of office supplies (computer printer paper, machine copy paper, typing paper, carbon paper, pens, pencils, machine ribbons, etc.) and order these supplies as needed from the main stockroom.  I maintain a supply of office forms, draw up a format for new and more efficient forms, and upon approval by the manager, order forms through proper channels.  I also dispense with unnecessary forms and look for ways to offer better service through more efficient forms.  I attempt to create better public relations by keeping office personnel morale up as much as possible and implement new procedures to ease workloads.

I maintain a soft drink fund, keeping balance sheets of funds on hand, counting money taken into the machine, ordering drinks, and paying for drinks and machine rent from the balance in the fund.  I keep the key to the machine.

In the past year, I have spent more and more time assisting secretaries and data entry specialists make better use of the PCs.  Much of this work is the result of my extensive experience with PCs.  Prior to becoming the secretary, I was involved in training CQM personnel in the use of the PC.  Most of the work I now do in this area is in response to telephone calls or requests made directly through the PC for assistance.  The PC-related problems I help resolve range from how to set up the terminal to receive data, how to format reports, and how to recover lost data.  I inform PC operators how to add new records to existing files and how to modify existing records.  I realize that this is not part of my official department job, but I do enjoy helping other employees with these kinds of problems and usually I can assist them quickly to learn what they must know.  I guess if in the future these efforts required too much of my time, I will turn over all such requests to the PC specialist in our department.

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Other Management: Write a job description for office of the secretary
Reference No:- TGS03418830

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