
Write a job description for a business analyst to be

Using the same case study in Assignment 1 and building upon the work you have already completed you need to undertake the following tasks:

TASK 1. Continue your journal (a project log or diary) for this next Assignment, date, summary of activities undertaken, actions completed and actions planned. Use a table with columns for activity number, date, activity, description and status. The journal will serve as the diary of your project. The journal should be attached as an Appendix to your report

Task 2. Develop a "TO BE" and "AS IS" process using BPMN or UML then compare the As-Is and To-be diagrams to assess the impact of change and prepare a briefing note for the Organisational change and Training Team regarding the anticipated business impact of the system. You should make recommendations on how these business impacts can be managed

TASK 3. From a business perspective categorise the backlog (from Assignment 1) using the MOSCOW requirement prioritization method (or other similar method - in which case you must name the method and give a reference) and identify the stories that makes your minimum viable product

TASK 4. Develop screen designs for two MUST stories created in Task 2.05 and identify any business rules; justify your design; you can use any method or tool for screen design

TASK 5. Write all acceptance criteria for these two stories to be done

TASK 6. Write a Job Description for a Business Analyst to be recruited to join your project

TASK 7. In one page, list in dot point form the key differences between Agile and SDLC (waterfall) methods of Business Analysis.

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Business Management: Write a job description for a business analyst to be
Reference No:- TGS01392025

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