
Write a java tcp socket program to do tcpsocket server when

For this assignment, reference the source codes in the attached slides.

a) Write a Java TCP socket program to do the following:

TCPSocket server

a. When starts the server, IP address of the machine must be displayed so the client can use to connect

b. You need tospecify the port number internally (you may hard code the port number in the client program as well)

c. The server must sends "Hi client!"to the client when the socket is successfully created.

d. When a client sends a message, the server must convert that into all upper case message, e.g., "test" from the client must be converted into "TEST", and displayed

TCPSocket client

a. To run the client program, the IP address of the server must be used, e.g. "java TCPClient" or alternately GUI can be used to enter the server's IP address.

b. When the socket is successfully created, the message from the server must be displayed, e.g., "Hi client!"

c. When lower case input text is sent to the server, the upper case version of the text must be displayed.

d. To discontinue, type "END".

b) Write a Java UDP socket program to do the following:

a. Allow the user to input a file name of a small Word file that the client wants. Then the server reads the file name and sends the file to the client.

b. The client writes the received contents to a file.

c. Allow the user to enter output file name the client created. (different file name but the same contents)

d. Verify the received file can be opened using the Word

Now please do the following:

- When testing the program, you must use two machines - one for the server and the other for client.

So run the server program using your laptop/desktop machine.

1. Start Wireshark
2. Start server program from one machine
3. Start client program from the other machine
4. Exchange a few messages and stop the program
5. Stop the Wireshark and examine the captured packets - you can do so by tracing the IP addresses of the captured packets.
6. Make sure that you have captured TCP packets (or UDP packets in case of UDP program).
7. Take screen shots of the captured packets

** Repeat 1 ~ 7 for UDP program. In the UDP program, use file name instead of messages.


- Well commented source code and executable module (either jar or class file)

o Each socket API must be described in the source code

- Readme files (one for TCP and the other for UDP) that illustrates how to set up, compile, how to run your program

o The stated functionalities must be implemented in your program.

- The screenshot from the Wireshark must be included in the report.

o Draw the headers for the captured packets (one UDP packet and one TCP packet) and explain each field in the headers

| Ethernet Header | IP header | TCP or UDP header | data |

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JAVA Programming: Write a java tcp socket program to do tcpsocket server when
Reference No:- TGS01630007

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