
Write a java program the displays the state bird and flower

1. Write a Java program the displays the State bird and flower. You should use your IDE for this exercise. The program should prompt the user to enter a State and print both the State bird and flower. The user should be able to enter a State without worrying about case. (e.g. Users could enter Maryland, maryland, MARYLAND or any other possible combination of lower and upper case characters. States may also contain leading and trailing white spaces. Hint: Store the State information in a multi-dimensional array. The program should continue to prompt the user to enter a state until "None" is entered. You will need to do some research to find the State birds and flowers. Here is a sample run:

Enter a State or None to exit: Maryland

Bird: Baltimore Oriole

Flower: Black-eyed Susan

Enter a State or None to exit:


Bird: Blue Hen Chicken

Flower: Peach Blossom Enter a State or None to exit:


2- Design a class named Clock. You should use your IDE for this exercise. The class contains private data fields for startTime and stopTime, a no argument constructor that initializes the startTime to the current time, a method named start() that resets the startTime to the given time, a stop() method that sets the endTime to the given time and a getElapsedTime() method that returns the elapsed time in seconds. Create a TestClock class to construct a Clock instance and return the elapsed time. Command line arguments should be used to send the start and end times. You should use the java.time classes. Here is sample run:

java TestClock 11:45:12 11:48:13 Elapsed time in seconds is: 181

3. Create your own simple Java application to generate X random Integer values between 0 and Y. Use command line arguments for entry of X and Y.

Demonstrate your code compiles and runs without issue using screen captures as appropriate.

Try other student's code, adding additional functionality as appropriate.

4. Write a Java program the displays the US State capital and population.

The program should prompt the user to enter a State and print both the State Capital and Population.

The user should be able to enter a State without worrying about case. (e.g. Users could enter California, california, CALIFORNIA or any other possible combination of lower and upper case characters). States may also contain leading and trailing white spaces.

Hint: Store the State information in a multi-dimensional array.

The program should continue to prompt the user to enter a state until "None" is entered.

See the attach table

State Capital Population

Alabama Montgomery 200,983

Alaska Juneau 31,118

Arizona Phoenix 1,418,041

Arkansas Little Rock 184,081

California Sacramento 454,330

Colorado Denver 556,835

Connecticut Hartford 124,848

Delaware Dover 32,135

Florida Tallahassee 156,612

Georgia Atlanta 419,122

Hawaii Honolulu 377,260

Idaho Boise 190,122

Illinois Springfield 114,738

Indiana Indianapolis 784,242

Iowa Des Moines 194,311

Kansas Topeka 122,377

Kentucky Frankfort 27,741

Louisiana Baton Rouge 224,097

Maine Augusta 18,560

Maryland Annapolis 36,217

Massachusetts Boston 569,165

Michigan Lansing 116,941

Minnesota St. Paul 276,963

Mississippi Jackson 179,298

Missouri Jefferson City 39,636

Montana Helena 25,780

Nebraska Lincoln 236,146

Nevada Carson City 52,457

New Hampshire Concord 40,687

New Jersey Trenton 85,402

New Mexico Santa Fe 62,203

New York Albany 95,658

North Carolina Raleigh 326,653

North Dakota Bismarck 55,532

Ohio Columbus 730,008

Oklahoma Oklahoma City 528,042

Oregon Salem 146,120

Pennsylvania Harrisburg 48,950

Rhode Island Providence 178,126

South Carolina Columbia 116,331

South Dakota Pierre 13,876

Tennessee Nashville 546,719

Texas Austin 681,804

Utah Salt Lake City 178,605

Vermont Montpelier 8,035

Virginia Richmond 192,494

Washington Olympia 42,514

West Virginia Charleston 53,421

Wisconsin Madison 220,332

Wyoming Cheyenne 55,362

5. Create your own data file consisting of integer, double or String values.

Create your own unique Java application to read all data from the file echoing the data to standard output. After all data has been read, display how many data were read. For example, if 10 integers were read, the application should display all 10 integers and at the end of the output, print "10 data values were read"

Demonstrate your code compiles and runs without issue.

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JAVA Programming: Write a java program the displays the state bird and flower
Reference No:- TGS01654890

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