write a java program in a netbeans project that

Write a Java program in a NetBeans project that reads a text file containing the names and addresses of several people and displays them all at once or one at a time upon selecting the one desired.

The program opens by displaying a frame with a picture and three buttons.

The ViewAll button opens a second frame that has a table containing all the names and addresses and several buttons. The Select button opens a dialog that displays all the names for the selection of one. The Exit button terminates the program.

Hitting the ViewAll button causes the following frame to open. It displays all the names and addresses in the text file.

The Add button adds a row to the table so that the file can be augmented. Hitting the Save button saves the data in the table to the file. The Delete button deletes the selected row from the table and its data from the file. The Close button closes this frame and returns one to the picture frame. Exit terminates the program.

Hitting the Select button on the picture frame causes the following dialog to open. It displays the names of the people with addresses in the file. The selection is made by either closing the dialog once a name has been selected or by double clicking on a name.

Making the selection causes the following frame to open. It displays the address of the selected person.

The close button closes this view and returns to the picture frame. Exit terminates the program.

The program must be object-oriented and contain a class that demonstrates the mediator and singleton design patterns. The program must also demonstrate the model-view-controller design pattern.

Since the program may be run from an executable jar file, the use of System.out.println is prohibited.

The Creek picture is provided as is the tab delimited text file, Addresses. You must demonstrate your solution to me in class on exam day.

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JAVA Programming: write a java program in a netbeans project that
Reference No:- TGS0443209

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