This assessment item is designed to test your understanding of objects, classes, types, operators, standard input/output, loops, if statements and methods.
Assessment task
Write a java application that calculates and displays the internet cost and GST (10% Goods & Services Tax) for N customers. N should be declared as a constant and it should be equal to the largest digit of your student ID number (e.g. if your ID number is S11236 then N should be equal to 6 and you can declare it as final int N=6). The cost is based on internet usage as shown below in Table 1.
Table 1. Internet Usage and Cost
Internet Usage in Gigabytes
Cost including 10% GST
100 or less
Over 100 but not more than 500
$10 + $0.10 per Gigabyte Over 100
Over 500 but not more than 1000
$50 + $0.05 per Gigabyte Over 500
Over 1000 but not more than 5000
Over 5000
The application should ask the user to enter the name (first name) of the customer and the internet usage in Gigabytes for each customer (total N customers) and calculate the cost and the GST. The application should display the message with the first name, the cost and the GST as shown in the example below. At the end of the Nth customer, a receipt with total GST, largest GST and average GST should be displayed. The total GST is calculated by adding the GST amount for all customers. The largest GST is calculated by finding the largest amount from GST paid by N customers. The average GST is calculated by dividing the total GST with the number of customers. The format for your input and output must be same as given in example below.
Example for N=3 (Note that a loop should be used for reading the input and displaying the output)
Enter the name for Customer 1: Charlotte
Enter the internet usage for Customer 1: 100
Hi Charlotte, the cost without GST is $9.09 and the GST is $0.91.
Enter the name for Customer 2: Niki
Enter the internet usage for Customer 2: 1001
Hi Niki, the cost without GST is $72.72 and the GST is $7.27.
Enter the name for Customer 3: Thomas
Enter the internet usage for Customer 3: 6000
Hi Thomas, the cost without GST is $90.90 and the GST is $9.09.
------------------Receipt for Total GST, Largest GST and Average GST------------------ Total GST is $17.27
Largest GST is $9.09
Average GST is $5.75
The application should be user-friendly by displaying appropriate welcome and exit messages. The application should use the following classes and methods.
public class Customer
//declare constants
//declare fields/variables
//declare constructor
//declare and define all methods including get and set methods }
public class CustomerTest
public static void main(String[] args)
//create object
//read name and usage using set methods
//get name and usage using get methods and calculate cost without GST and GST //print output as shown in the example