
Write a java application that allows the user to read

Write a java application that allows the user to read, display, sort, and search the name (type String), height and weight as well as body mass index (BMI) of a person for N people. N should be declared as a constant and should be either equals to the largest digit of your student ID number or N=5 (if the highest digit of your student ID number is less than 5). The method of calculating BMI after input of height and weight is the same as Assignment 1 specification. The name, height, weight and BMI must be stored in separate single dimension arrays/arrayLists. This requires that your implementation must use parallel arrays (or arrayLists). If there are any uses of an array of records or structures/objects, it will be penalized under the heading "Using techniques not covered in the course." The ranges for height (in unit of cm) and weight (in unit of kg) of a person should be in 100∼220, and 0∼300 respectively. They are assumed to be integers. These data must be entered from the keyboard and a validation for minimum and maximum values for each input data variable must be done. In addition, the input of a person's name must be validated in such a way that a valid name is assumed only to contain English letters and a space between first name and surname. Your application should display and execute a menu with the following options. A switch statement must be used to execute the following menu options.

1. Input data
2. Display
3. Sort by name
4. Sort by weight
5. Search
6. Display extreme BMI
7. Exit

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Other Subject: Write a java application that allows the user to read
Reference No:- TGS0833091

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