Health information exchange (HIE) in your state of residence or another state of interest.
Review the following information to get started: (2013). State HIE Contacts. (2018). State health information exchange.
Write 2 page paper on health information exchange (HIE) in your state of residence (Texas) or another state of interest.
APA formatting for documentation of a minimum of three references.
History: Detailed, well-presented, comprehensive, eloquently stated history of HIE organization is provided.
Example: Specific, detailed example of a successful health information exchange provided. For example, website link, information about the board of directors, etc.
Description of Services Provided: Strong, clear, well- developed description of public health services provided by the HIE.
Assignment Quality: Writing in the paper (excluding cover page and references) paper is detailed with exceptional critical appraisal of the topics. Examples are provided as evidence.
Note: It can be presented in table format.
Create a 3 to 5 minutes podcast explaining an aspect of clinical informatics to a non-expert audience (Word Document Format)
May be up to 1 page or 1 page
List all references using APA formatting. A minimum of five references, published within the last five years, should be used to support your information.