
Write a function that will accept a structure an argument

To test your function, create a structure array containing the data for three plots of three different types, and pass that structure array to your function

The function should correctly plot all three data sets in three different figure windows. Define a structure point containing two fields x and y.

The x field will contain the x-position of the point, and the y field will contain the y-position of the point Then write a function dist3 that accepts two points and returns the distance between the two points on the Cartesian plane. Be sure to check the number of input arguments in your function

Write a function that will accept a structure an argument, and return two cell as arrays containing the names of the fields of that structure and the data types of each field. Be sure to check that the input argument is a structure, and generate an error message if it is not.

Write a function that will accept a structure array of student as defined in this chapter, and calculate the final average of each one assuming that all exams have equal weighting.

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Computer Engineering: Write a function that will accept a structure an argument
Reference No:- TGS02945002

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