
Write a function that returns an integer and accepts a

Create a program containing all the functions below and give your user the ability to choose the function he/she would like to perform. You may want to create a menu for the beginning of the program and use the user's menu selection as the main "driver" for the program. After each execution, the program should clear the screen and return the menu to give the user the
opportunity to play again or exit the program. For example, the following menu numbers represent the following seven functions:
Welcome to my string manipulation program. Select from one of the following menu items:

1. String Length

2. Backward String

3. Word Counter

4. Average Number of Letters

5. Automatic Capitalization

6. Vowel and Consonant Counter

7. Name Arranger

8. Exit Program
1. Write a function that returns an Integer and accepts a pointer to a string as an argument. The function should count the number of characters in the string and return that number.Demonstrate the function by asking the user to input a string, pass that string to the function, and then display the function's return value.

2. Write a function that accepts a pointer to a string as an argument and displays its contents backwards. For instance, if the string argument is "Gravity", the function should display "ytivarG:.Demonstrate the function by asking the user to input a string and then pass the input to the function. Have the function display the correct return value.

3. Write a function that accepts a pointer to a string as an argument and returns the number of words contained in the string. For instance, if the string argument is "Four score and seven years ago", the function should return the number 6. Ask the user to input a string and then pass the string to the function.

4. Modify the function in part three above so it also displays the average number of letters in each word.

5. Write a function that accepts a pointer to a string as an argument and capitalizes the first character of each sentence in the string. For instance, if the string argument is "hello. my name is Joe. what is your name?", the function should manipulate the string so it contains "Hello. My name is Joe. What is your name?" Ask the user to input a string and then pass the string to the
function. The modified string should be displayed on screen.

6. Write a function that accepts a pointer to a string as an argument and counts the number of vowels appearing in the string. The function should return the number of vowels. Write a second function that accepts the same pointer to the string and returns the number of consonants appearing in the string. If the user selects this menu option, the program should display to the screen BOTH the vowel count AND the consonant count.

7. Write a function that will accept the user's first, middle, and last names. The names should be stored in three different character arrays. The program should then store, in a fourth array, the name arranged in the following manner: the last name followed by a comma and a space, followed by the first name and a space, followed by the middle name. For example, if the user entered "Carol Lynn Smith", it should store "Smith, Carol Lynn" in the fourth array. Display the contents of the fourth arrays on the screen.

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C/C++ Programming: Write a function that returns an integer and accepts a
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