Part A:
Leap Year A leap year in the Gregorian calendar system is a year that is divisible by 400 or a year that is divisible by 4 but not by 100. Write a function named leap_year that takes one string parameter.
It returns True if the string represents a leap year, and returns False otherwise. For example, 1896, 1904, and 2000 are leap years, but 1900 is not.
Part B:
Rotate Write a function rotate(s,n) that has one string parameter s followed by a positive integer parameter n. It returns a rotated string such that the last n characters have been moved to the beginning.
If the string is empty or a single character, the function should simply return the string unchanged. Assume that n is less than or equal to the length of s and that n is a positive intger.
Part C:
Digit Count Write a function named digit_count that takes one parameter that is a number (int or float) and returns a count of even digits, a count of odd digits, and a count of zeros that are to the left of the decimal point.
Return the three counts in that order: even_count, odd_count, zero_count. Be careful of the "edge case" where the number starts with a decimal point-conversion of such a number to a string places a zero before the decimal point. See correct behavior in the final test case below.
Part D: Float Check String has a method s.isdigit() that returns True if string s contains only digits and False otherwise, i.e. s is a string that represents an integer.
Write a function named float_check that takes one parameter that is a string and returns True if the string represents a float and False otherwise. For the purpose of this function we define a float to be a string of digits that has at most one decimal point.
Note that under this definition an integer argument will return True.