Question: Write a function named caesarDecipher that accepts a key value (the Caesar shift value) as its first command-line parameter, and a string (the ciphertext) for its second parameter. Your caesarDecipher function should look like this:
caesarDecipher (shift, ciphertext):
''Returns plaintext obtained by transforming every letter in the ciphertext by a Caesar cipher by the specified shift. Non-letter characters should remain unchanged in the plaintext.''
[Your code goes here]
return [something]
To see if your code works properly, you should first try to encrypt and then decrypt a given message, and make sure it does it right.
Here are a few things for you to try to decrypt. Note that non-letters (spaces and the single quote) are copied as-is to the ciphertext.
"gduwk ydghu lv oxnh vnbzdonhu'v idwkhu" (key is 3)
"v fnirq n ybg ba zl nhgb vafhenapr ol fjvgpuvat gb trvxb" (key is 13)
Solve this question in details and provide examples to support your rationale.