
Write a function called isleapyear that takes in a 2- or 4-


1- Write a function, called is.leapyear() that takes in a 2- or 4- digit year value (and only such a value), called "yearIn", and determines whether or not it is a leap year. The rules for a leap year are: If a year is a multiple of 4, it is a leap year, UNLESS the year is also a multiple of 100, UNLESS the year is also a multiple of 400. The function should return TRUE or FALSE.

2. Using the GDP data, add a column to the labor market data that denotes when periods of recession occured. Note that the labor market data is monthly, the GDP data is quarterly. Loops and if statements will make this easier.

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C/C++ Programming: Write a function called isleapyear that takes in a 2- or 4-
Reference No:- TGS02887603

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