1. Extend the form-letter recipe to take an input of a pet's name and type, and reference the pet in the form letter. "Your pet "+pet Type+","+pet Name+" will love our offer!" might generate "Your pet poodle, Fifi, will love our offer!".
2. Imagine that you have a list of the genders (as single characters) of all the students in your class, in order of their last name. The list will look something like "MFFMMMFFMFMMFFFM" where M is male and F is female. Write a function (below) percentage Genders(string) to accept a string that represents the genders. You are to count all of the M's and F's in the string and print out the ratio (as a decimal) of each gender. For example, if the input string were "MFFF," then the function should print something like, "There are 0.25 males, 0.75 females."