
Write a formal persuasive paper on your topic be sure to


Choose some problem, injustice, absurdity, or debate about which of several items is the best to write an argument about (in other words, a classical argument, a proposing a solution argument, or an evaluation argument). Conduct research on the problem and write an argument on the topic. You may work in groups of 2 or 3 or individually on this project. If you work in groups, you will tackle the same topic together but present 2 or 3 different perspectives. For example, in the past a group of three students each wrote in favor of one of these as having the best perspective: black lives matter vs. blue lives matter vs. all lives matter. (Sometimes, students in groups such as this write an argument that is not what they actually believe or support personally - they do it for the sake of arguing a point of view.)

• Write a formal persuasive paper on your topic. Be sure to establish yourself as a credible author by using an appropriate tone and voice.

Be sure to have a specific audience (even better, multiple audiences) in mind for your argument. Include at least one major piece of primary research. Be sure to make your thesis (position on the controversy) clear and decisive from the beginning and maintain that stance consistently throughout the paper.

• (Coming up with an effective title is a good place to start.) Remember to use specific examples, facts, quotations, anecdotes, statistics, images, charts, etc., to backup your general claims.

• Also, be sure to include a fully developed counterargument section, during which you present-then refute or concede to-several opposing views.

(Note: if working with a partner, your partner's paper may be the counterargument, so you can summarize their arguments, briefly, with research.)

• Finally, MLA format should be used, with sources cited appropriately both within thebody of the essay and in a Works Cited page that concludes the piece.

• Range: 5-6 pages, including Works Cited. No cover pages, please. Maximum page count: 8

• Write about the rhetorical choices you made in your Writer's Memo for this assignment.

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Dissertation: Write a formal persuasive paper on your topic be sure to
Reference No:- TGS02502480

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