Write a final paper about the role of adenosine receptors, considering on a focus on caffeine withdrawal (perhaps limited to headaches/migraines) and will bring in basic neurobiology (which should be the foundation of the paper).
- Choose 3 original, definitive research articles published in scientific journals which relate to the topic.
- Places to look for are: Journal of Neuroscience, Nature Neuroscience. Trends in Neuroscience or Google Scholar
- 10 double-spaced pages with 1 inch margins; Create a catchy title please
- 12-point type; Times New Roman
- References should be outside the page limit and they must follow a standard APA format.
- In-text citations must be in the paper (Author, year) (Author et al., year)
- If copying from a book. It must be paraphrased.
- Provide a brief intro about the topic, placing it in a broad context in neurobiology and citing important previous work.
- Briefly state the question and hypothesis about the one you're addressing in the paper, the experimental approaches used and key observations that relate to the topic.
- Figures may be included but you must cite the source.
- Then, discuss the topic via a critique of the relevant papers, indicating how the paper does or does not support the hypothesis. If possible, suggest a different approach to the problem.