
Write a essay on journal of the academy of marketing science

Your essay should be not more than 5000 words and will cover the following area:

"The role of Direct Marketing in managing customer relationships"

Your papers should demonstrate -

 that you have red the key papers

 that you have independently found relevant further papers/readings

 that your are working to understand them

 that your have identified the key ideas

 that you have benefited from discussion in seminars

 that you can develop your own ideas and conclusions from your reading

 that you can provide full academic referencing, use Harvard referencing format

 that you can provide examples of good and poor practice

 use global company for example

Students should not be relying heavily on websites to support their work. Make sure 90% of essay is from academic journals.

The following is the recommend journal for the essay:

(1) Journal of Marketing

(2) Journal of Marketing Management

(3) Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science

(4) Journal of Marketing Research

(5) Marketing Science

(6) International Journal of Advertising

(7) Journal of Advertising Research

(8) Journal of Brand Management

(9) Journal of Consumer Research

(10) Journal of Consumer Marketing

(11) Journal of Marketing Communication

(12) The Marketing Review

(13) Journal of Product and Brand Management

(14) Journal of Retailing

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Marketing Management: Write a essay on journal of the academy of marketing science
Reference No:- TGS01767217

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