Write a draft of your personal mission statement.
Include thoughts about your career, family and community.
Example 1:
Family comes first.
Do all things with love.
Think before I speak.
Speak of only truths.
Trust my instincts.
Treat others the way I want to be treated.
Succeed in school and work.
Strive for greatness.
Never compromise my integrity.
Listen when others are speaking.
Do not speak just to talk.
Think in terms of helping others rather than greed.
Help those who cannot help themselves.
Never let an opportunity pass me by.
Be proactive not reactive.
Always keep a positive attitude.
Don't forget to laugh.
Seek help when I need it.
Be not afraid to ask questions.
Be not afraid to say no.
Learn along they way.
Do not rush to the end, enjoy the journey.
Give more back to the community.
Dedicate my time to things that are not solely for my own personal gain.
Example 2:
Put your loved ones first.
Work daily to strengthen your weaknesses.
Do not dwell on things you cannot change nor control.
Be honest to yourself & you will be able to be honest with others.
Think positive thoughts.
Listen before judging.
Always remain humble.
Be there for those you love, even if they are not always there for you.
Treat others how you would like to be treated.
Smile even when you're down.
Take your time when making decisions.
Do not judge a book by it's cover, or it's title.
Laugh on a daily basis.
Ask questions and you shall receive answers.
Be careful who you befriend.
Let your ultimate goal in life be happiness.
Refuse to let materialistic things control you.
Seek to become wealthy in knowledge.
Do not believe in hate.
Most importantly, Love to love.
Question: Take the time to record the impressions you had in the funeral visualization. You may want to use the chart below to organize your thoughts.