
Write a draft investigate the history of slavery and

The topic is:
"Investigate the history of slavery and discuss the ways in which this history impacts contemporary society"

Write a 5 page draft. 3 referances required.

The draft should be a largely finished product, impeccably formatted, and nearly complete. It should have all the APA citation and referencing fully in place. In length, it should be five-to-seven pages. It must utilize a minimum of 3 sources and it must include a properly formatted reference page.

IMPORTANT: It is extremely important that your essay meets the minimum required length of five pages. Note that the minimum requirement is for five full pages and this total is not to include your cover or reference pages.

In addition, Note that the final essay must be accompanied by a properly formatted APA reference page--NOT an Annotated Bibliography.

Additional reminders:

• Essay must be written in third person--NOT first person.
• Thesis statement should be posited as the final sentence of your introductory paragraph.
• Five pages is the minimum length requirement for this assignment; however, essays of only five pages often lack depth and development. I suggest that you take full advantage of the seven page limit to fully detail and develop your essay and fully explore your topic.
• This is not an expository essay, therefore you must do more than simply provide information--you must argue in support of your thesis.
• This is a college level essay. It must be properly formatted in accordance with APA guidelines; it must be free from errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation. It must be fully documented in accordance with APA requirements for documenting research--including appropriate in-text citations and reference page.

Length : 5 pages.

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History: Write a draft investigate the history of slavery and
Reference No:- TGS02156943

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