
Write a dos-like shell on top of the bourne shell to

COMP 340, Winter 2016


Shell script programming

(I) Write a DOS-like shell on top of the Bourne shell to satisfy the DOS users. Your program is invoked by

% dos
/home/student/dharris/340/assgt2> _

and the familiar DOS prompt is displayed which shows the path of the current working directory. You shell supports the following DOS commands:

cd del ren more
copy files copy file1 file2
xcopy xcopy/s xcopy /s
deltree deltree/y deltree /y
dir dir/w dir /w
dir/p dir /p

If the user command does not match any of the supported DOS commands, you shell should still send it to unix for execution.

(II) Write 2 sh scripts

A. 'Makeusers' to create a bunch of user accounts on Linux. Reference to the Linux commands of adduser and useradd.
Suppose a list of usernames is supplied in an ascii file 'classlist'
as follows:

The script 'makeusers' will read the usernames from the file 'classlist' and create the 3 user accounts accordingly. You type % makeusers < classlist to run the scripts.

B. 'Purgeusers' to remove user accounts. Reference ot the Linux commands of userdel. The script 'purgeusers' will read the usernames from the file 'classlist' and remove the 3 user accounts and the corresponding dirs and files accordingly. You type % purgeusers < classlist to run the scripts.

* Submit programs well-documented. Late submission will be graded down by 10% for each day.


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Operating System: Write a dos-like shell on top of the bourne shell to
Reference No:- TGS01357751

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