
Write a dissertation on an over viewing of ict adoption in

Topic: An overviewing of ICT adoption in SCM

No# of Pages: 40 pages (10,000 words)

Subject Area: Management

Paper Style: Harvard

No# of Sources Required: 50

Details: Subject area is Technology and management

Write a dissertation on "An over viewing of ICT adoption in SCM", Your dissertation report must write in 10000 Words count and make proper referencing.

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Structure and contents.

There is no best way of writing a dissertation or one model for an appropriate format. However, certain aspects are conventionally found in a dissertation and should only be varied after discussion with the supervisor for good reason. These are:

1) An opening section which should contain the following separate pages: Title page, declaration and statement, supervisors statement, acknowledgements, abstract(a summary of 300 words, which should summarise all sections of the dissertation:THIS MUST BE INCLUDED),  and table of contents. 

(2) The first chapter should be an introduction to the dissertation which should state very clearly the purpose of the project on which the dissertation reports, the results. A brief outline of the subsequent chapters of the dissertation. (Note: it is usual, somewhat paradoxically, to write the introduction after most of the dissertation is complete in order that a student has a clear idea of what is being introduced). The student should include an aims and objectives section.

3) Chapter two should be a critical review of the relevant academic literature on which the dissertation builds, identifying the relevant theoretical ideas, concepts, debates and issues.

4) A  chapter on Research Methods should state what methodologies are considered, what was selected and why. Justification for the final methodology selected and the sampling techniques, sampling framework, the size and type of any appropriate survey, should be included. (If a case study methodology is used then the justification for the organisation used to be included).

5) One, or possibly two chapters that report on the research findings,  both secondary and primary, clearly described, using as themes, what you have discovered and proposing reasons why this may be. This section should use any appropriate graphical representation that adds to the clarity of your findings.

6) Clear discussion chapter setting out the main findings of the dissertation linking your literature reviews with the research findings so that a clear theme can be identified through the whole work. On this information you can make your argument and assess. Remember to include what your findings contribute to both the general literature on the subject and the specialist field, and/or practical problems which you have covered empirically. Include those results which surprised you and which may appear, at first sight, counter-intuitive to others. Make sure that you address all the objectives of the study. Do not forget to identify further avenues of development.

7) The conclusion should refer back to aims and objectives. Clear recommendations or procedures should be identified.

8) References: There should be a complete reference list of all works used. This should be done in a standard Harvard format listing works alphabetically by author. It should be noted that one of the routine sources of presentational problems comes in mistakes in the referencing bibliography and therefore students should take considerable care in the compilation of the reference list and ensure that every work referred to in the texts is in fact listed in the references - see separate section.

9) Appendices to the dissertation are legitimate but should be kept to an absolute minimum, eg. Questionairres used.

10) Footnotes should be avoided.

It is important that the dissertation should be your own independent work as a formal examination script. A dissertation should not merely consist of a patchwork of other people's thoughts and interpretations stitched together with a few threads of the student's own devising. 

The word count for each chapter should normally be:-


              Introduction                                              approx. 1000 words

              Literature Review                                    approx. 2000 words

              Methodology                                            approx. 2000 words

              Findings                                                     approx..2000 words

              Discussion/Analysis                               approx. 2000 words

              Conclusions and Recommendations            approx. 1000 words

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Case Study: Write a dissertation on an over viewing of ict adoption in
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