
Write a discussion of the most important things you learned


For your final assignment for this class, you will reflect on your writing experiences in 108. This essay will serve as your final exam for the class, so you are expected to complete this assignment on your own. I will not collect rough drafts, and we will not conduct peer review.


You must include all of the following:

- A discussion of the most important things you learned in this class and why you consider them important

- A discussion of two ways in which your writing has improved over the semester and why.

- A discussion of one area where you still have some trouble and how you might work on improving it in the future in your ongoing development as a college writer.

You should use specific examples from activities or assignments we did in class, the first four projects, the presentation, and/or any other writing activities you have done for the class to illustrate your points.

I will be looking for a clear introduction with a thesis, a conclusion that ties all of the ideas together, logical organization of ideas, topic sentences that introduce each paragraph, and smooth transitions between ideas. Your use of supporting details matters as well. Make sure that you do not just create a list of things you did this semester. You should constantly be answering the question "Why?".


-Minimum 500 words


-12 point font

-1 inch margins

-Times New Roman

-Last name and page number in upper right hand corner of header

-Heading with names, class, due date in left hand corner.

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Other Subject: Write a discussion of the most important things you learned
Reference No:- TGS02770619

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