
Write a description in spanish

Response to the following:

Write a description in Spanish, of what you do in a typical day (what time do you get up?; what do you do when you get up; what do you eat for breakfast? where do you go?; etc.) The description should be at least 10 sentences long and try to use the verbs that we went over in this lesson.

That is what I have to do and I am having trouble figuring out what I have to write for the following paragraph.

During the week I wake up at 7:30 to go to school. I take a shower in the morning to wake myself up. I do not usually eat breakfast in the morning. When I have time to eat breakfast in the morning it includes a bowl of cereal and a glass of milk. I attend 4 classes a day, my favorite class is history. After school I go to baseball practice. At practice we run a lot. For dinner I usually have chicken with rice and a big glass of milk. I go to bed early during the week because I am usually tired from baseball practice. I brush m teeth and then watch TV to help me fall asleep.

I have to try and put the following things into my 10 sentence paragraph:









lavar los dientes

ir a clase, trabajo, etc


mirar la tele


dormir la siesta

por la mañana

por la tarde

por la noche

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Reference No:- TGS02014691

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