
Write a debate in two proponents of two different theories

Problem: Take an ethical issue that I did not include in the syllabus (so NOT feeding the hungry, organ transplants, abortion, or animal rights) and defend a position on that issue from the point of view of one of these ethical approaches we discussed: Kantian Ethics, Utilitarianism, Natural Law, Contractarianism, and Virtues Ethics. If you can prefer, you may write it as a debate between two proponents of two different theories.

I choose Utilitarianism and ethical issues is utilitarianism and the pandemic

This paper should:

  • have an identifiable thesis.
  • give thoughtful consideration to the topic, as well as evidence of your weeks as a student in this course.
  • be around 500-600 words long
  • use standard written English.
  • cite all direct quotations and ideas borrowed from any source, and have a corresponding bibliography /works cited page. Any standard citation and bibliography format (such as MLA) is acceptable.

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Other Subject: Write a debate in two proponents of two different theories
Reference No:- TGS03364908

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