
Write a cultural awareness essay on the country of jordan

Write a Cultural Awareness Essay on the country of Jordan.

1. Purpose: Noncommissioned Officers are required to write two essays while in ALC; one essay on a Cultural Awareness topic and the other on Branch History and Battle Analysis Methodology in order to complete the ALC TRADOC requirements for each of these areas IAW writing and correspondence. These writing projects will enable NCOs to develop their research and writing skills to become more effective leaders. This policy will outline guidelines with how each of these essays will be written and detailed instruction on those topics and ideas.

2. Essay Guidelines. Prepare one individual essay and one essay as a group, each with a main body of 3-5 pages in length (length does not include title or reference pages) using the American Psychological Association (APA) format/writing style. The essays will include the following in this order:

1. Title Page. Your essay will not contain an Abstract.

2. Header with the title of the paper in all caps and page number (the words "Running Head:" appear before the header title on the title page only).

3. 3-5 page main body that begins with an introductory paragraph and ends with a concluding paragraph.

4. Reference page with a minimum of three references.

General Guidelines:

• Conduct library/internet research from credible sources (Wikipedia is not credible).
• Type your essay on a computer and print it out on standard, white 8.5 x 11-inch paper.
• Double-space the text of your paper; use Ariel or Times New Roman with font size 12 pt.
• Leave two spaces after the end of each sentence.
• Set the margins of your document to one-inch on all sides. Indent the first line of a paragraph one half-inch (five spaces or press tab once) from the left margin.
• Follow the guidelines provided by your instructor.

3. Evaluation. Your essays are evaluated on content, use of active voice, structure, spelling, punctuation, grammar, and clarity. In order to receive an overall superior score, you must have the correct format, have conducted research from multiple sources, and the ideas presented must be original and written clearly.

4. Information can also be obtained from various sources to assist in formatting your essays:

• https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/
• https://psychology.about.com/od/apastyle/a/apageneral.htm

5. The following are the topics for the essays:

• Branch History and Battle Analysis Methodology Essay (Group project); turned into SOL LAW training schedule.
• Cultural Awareness Essay (Individual project); turned into SGL IAW training schedule. The due dates are final and non-negotiable, so plan accordingly. Plagiarism will result in negative counseling and removal from Honors consideration at ALC and possible dismissal from the comm.

Any questions regarding plagiarism should be addressed prior to final submission of any work.

6. Branch History and Battle Analysis Methodology Essay.

a. The goal for this essay is to assist in the goal of Instruction of Military History (IMII) JAW TRADOC Regulation 350-13 in order to focus students on branch history and heritage of their branch. The context for the =ay illustrates the applications of military history to training and leadership and a sense of branch significance.

b. Objectives.

• Provide Soldiers with a program of basic military heritage and history instruction that is sequential and progressive, including tools which may be used for continued professional development.

• Stimulate an interest in continuous study of military and branch history beyond the classroom through individual reading programs, to assist future leaders in forming mature judgments about the profession of arms.

• To know and understand the evolution and historical contribution of the NCO in the U.S. Army; the role of the NCO during the evolution of combined arms warfare; and the uses of history' 1 military leadership.

c. Guidelines for a Branch History & Battle Analysis Methodology Essay. The following serves as a guide with which to research, outline, draft and type your final essay:

• Write an essay on a topic concerning a battle related to your branch discussing the history and the outcome or effect relative to what the branch had on that topic and how it relates to the evolution and contribution towards today's military operations; bring a historical perspective to contemporary military problems and leadership.

7. Cultural Awareness Guidelines and Topics.

a. The goal for this essay is to meet TRADOC and the Fires Center of Excellence Commanding General's intent of implementing Cultural Awareness training into NCOES using the following goals as set by TRADOC:

• Cultural Expertise - Culture professionals and leaders who possess an advanced level of cross-cultural competence pertaining to a specific geographic area. These Soldiers will be able to evaluate and synthesize terms, factors. concepts, and regional information into plans, programs, and advice to commanders.

• Cultural Understanding - Soldiers and Leaders who will be able to apply relevant terms, factors, concepts and regional information to their tasks and missions, as well as analyze situational requirements.

• Cultural Awareness-Soldiers who have foundational cross-cultural competence with comprehension and knowledge to identify and describe key terms, factors, and concepts associated with culture fundamentals and cultural self-awareness.

b. Learning Objectives. The purpose of this assignment is to prepare a socio-cultural analysis of an assigned nation/region as discussed in FM 3-24, Counterinsurgency.

• Define the meaning of culture
• Explain at least five major characteristics that define a culture
• Describe the common culture characteristics of a region of the world
• Must address the following areas within the essay:

1. Overview of the assigned nation's/regions physical geography and military conflict history:

• Complex Terrain.
• Urban/Sub Urban Terrain.
• Key Infrastructure.
• Lines of Communication.
• Significant past military conflicts and their impact on the society.

2. Weather Analysis:

• Effects on population, agriculture, smuggling, insurgency, etc.

3. Civil Consideration: Overview of the factors of ASCOPE (areas, structures, capabilities, organizati.xii7n)e -op e, and events).

4. More detailed discussion of the "P" of ASCOPE. people (Society. Social Structure. Culture. Language, Power and Authority, and Interests).

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