
Write a critique similar to the ones for the book analyses


Wallace, Daniel S. The Resurrection of Christ: Theological Implications. 2004. [Online]. Available from https://bible.org/article/resurrection-christ-theological-implications.

Module, you will read and critiqueThe Resurrection of Christ.

For each of the journal articles referenced above, write a critique similar to the ones for the Book Analyses assignments. Each critique will be in two parts: 1) a 300-word minimumcritique, and 2) a 250-word minimum personal conclusion statement.

Specific Information about Critiques of Articles

A critique is NOTa mere summary. Do not merely paraphrase or even worse, quote entire sentences from the author or verses from the Bible (you must assume that your audience has access to the book and to a Bible). In your critique, you are not analyzing the topic in general, but you are interacting with the author's presentation of the topic. (Too many students are tempted to just discuss the topic in general and forget to interact with the specific approach and point of the author.)

A critique is about understanding the structure of the article/book.

Your critique should address the following:

• the theological background of the author as revealed by his/her article/book;
• his/her understanding of the topic;
• how the arguments are constructed;
• how he/she deals with opposite views and arguments;
• how balanced is the treatment of the topic;
• how focused or broad is the topic of the article; and
• how convincing are his/her arguments and conclusions and why.

It would be beneficial for you to research the topic online or in a library to find the common counter arguments to the author's views and whether or not they are properly addressed in the article.

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History: Write a critique similar to the ones for the book analyses
Reference No:- TGS01382729

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