
Write a critical analysis of the selected test based on the

Write a critical analysis of the selected test, based on the scholarly review and on support from a minimum of five additional, relevant resources.

Address the following in your paper:

  • Identify the following: The full name of the test.
  • The publisher's stated purpose of the test.
  • The standardization sample and age range for the test's use.
  • Explain your rationale for selecting this standardized test. Include a description of the population, psychological condition, or psychological disorder of interest that corresponds to the test's purpose and future use.
  • Present the forms of validity evidence that have been collected for your selected test.Describe the methods used to collect the validity evidence.
  • Report validity coefficients, if applicable.
  • Evaluate the test's validity based upon the reported validity coefficients.
  • Present the forms of reliability evidence that have been collected for your selected test.Describe the methods used to collect the reliability evidence.
  • Report reliability coefficients.
  • Evaluate the test's reliability based upon the reported reliability coefficients.
  • Based upon your research, make an argument for or against using your selected psychological test in your current or future occupation.

Additional Requirements

  • APA formatting: Your paper must be formatted according to APA (6th edition) style and formatting, including the following: Include a title page and reference list.
  • Use Times New Roman, 12-point font.
  • APA expectations for scholarly writing include the use of third-person narrative, unless it is awkward to do so. However, because you are talking about yourself in this paper, you may write in the first person.
  • Resources: Use a minimum of six scholarly resources to support this paper. You may use the suggested resources in addition to your independent research.
  • Document format: Submit your paper as a Word document.
  • Length: Your assessment should be 5-6 typed, double-spaced pages in length. (The length excludes the title page and reference list.)

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Dissertation: Write a critical analysis of the selected test based on the
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