
Write a critical analysis imc and the use of reality

Write a Critical Analysis: IMC and the use of Reality Television Shows as a media vehicle to achieve some or all of the following goals: Gok's Clothes Roadshow
??The benefits of using reality television shows as a media vehicle within an IMC program
??The challenges of using reality television shows as a media vehicle within an IMC program
??The contribution of reality television shows to supporting brand equity building efforts in the areas of:

Creating brand awareness
By building consumers brand knowledge via any or all of the following ways:-
1. Communicating the benefits consumers receive from experiencing the brand
2. Fostering specific attitudes towards the brand
3. Using channels that foster an integrated experience of the brand -think about the integration of messages in an IMC program that can be replicated across channels from reality television to social media platforms to outdoor advertising e.g. bus backs
4. Deliberately linking the brand to a "cause" and using this link to foster brand recall and recognition
5. Creating brand communities to foster specific social relations around the use of and attachment to a specific brand

These are some guidelines to help you make a start on the critical analysis. To help we suggest you read Keller's (2003) article "Brand Synthesis: The Multidimensionality of Brand Knowledge" in the Week 1 resources folder.
There are other articles in the folder that you can use to help you with the critical analysis. You are expected to source credible articles yourself and may want to use the AUT Library database and/or go to the Harvard Business Review for articles, or use Google Scholar to find other credible articles. Your textbook should also be used as a resource. Textbooks such as Belch & Belch (2012; or earlier editions; in the library) are also a good resource.
You are free to choose the format and style for this Critical Analysis. Think about presenting this analysis to decision-makers in a business (e.g. marketing manager) and/or brand owners. Your goal is to provide these people with a critical analysis about using reality television as a key media vehicle as part of an IMC program.

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Business Management: Write a critical analysis imc and the use of reality
Reference No:- TGS0965552

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